Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
Morbi Vehicula Arcu Et Pellentesque Tincidunt. Nunc Ligula Nulla, Lobortis A Elementum Non, Vulputate Ut Arcu. Aliquam Erat Volutpat. Nullam Lacinia Felis.
Morbi Vehicula Arcu Et Pellentesque Tincidunt. Nunc Ligula Nulla, Lobortis A Elementum Non, Vulputate Ut Arcu. Aliquam Erat Volutpat. Nullam Lacinia Felis.
Morbi Vehicula Arcu Et Pellentesque Tincidunt. Nunc Ligula Nulla, Lobortis A Elementum Non, Vulputate Ut Arcu. Aliquam Erat Volutpat. Nullam Lacinia Felis.
Morbi Vehicula Arcu Et Pellentesque Tincidunt. Nunc Ligula Nulla, Lobortis A Elementum Non, Vulputate Ut Arcu. Aliquam Erat Volutpat. Nullam Lacinia Felis.
Morbi Vehicula Arcu Et Pellentesque Tincidunt. Nunc Ligula Nulla, Lobortis A Elementum Non, Vulputate Ut Arcu. Aliquam Erat Volutpat. Nullam Lacinia Felis.
Duis et metus et massa tempus lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ultricies, orci molestie blandit interdum.
ipsum ante pellentesque nisl, eget mollis turpis quam nec eros. ultricies, orci molestie blandit interdum.
“Duis et metus et massa tempus lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ultricies, orci molestie blandit interdum.”
“Duis et metus et massa tempus lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ultricies, orci molestie blandit interdum.”
“Duis et metus et massa tempus lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ultricies, orci molestie blandit interdum.”
Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Proin eget tortor risus.
The cost for this source code is $ 25 /- You can make the payment via Paypal or via CCAvenue
After the payment is done you will be taken directly to the download page where you can download the zip files. Then you can follow the installation procedure from the docs and install it on your domain.Or if you like to run it as a offline product like a software , you can use the portable version and follow the instruction given inside it. if you are unable to do so you can drop us a mail. on [email protected] & Send us the cpanel login details and we will take it from there on.
Billy Crystal
2 Week Ago
I have mailed you about an issue that i am facing.Its running slow on my localhost.if you could check it would be helpful or you could send me the instruction on my e-mail ([email protected]).You ticketing system is not working at the moment. Thanks in advance
Satish Kumar
3 Week Ago
I have not received the source code yet. I have made a payment yesterday on paypal. Kindly reply
3 Week Ago
Hello Satish , When you made the payment your would have gotten email and password in receipt , that you can use to login into the system and download the code don't forget the purchase code , you would be needing it to activate your license.Until you haven't changed the password then you login is ur email and password is the first part of your email
Stefen Thomas
1 Week Ago
I can’t able to make payment .could you help me with it? I am an indian user, paypal is not working
Abdul Rashid
1 Week Ago
Can you add pay via credit card also in paypal? Our school don’t have paypal account.
Ali Kazmi
5 Week Ago
I need help to add some functionality to the system. i am a newbie in php. Would you help if i payed for the the source code
Ravi Shastri
1 Week Ago
This is the second time i am getting an LMS source code. 1st one was from codecanyon $50 totally wasted money then i came across this one .This one seems to have better design & filled with features as compare to my previous purchase but this one was a a good deal & by the way the installation was simpler than i imagined. The documentation is mind blowing, i am happy that i got this one as most of the website is user & mobile friendly as requested by my client. Thanks again Mrs. Johnson
2 Week Ago
i need a different contact & about us page as well as i want to go online with this website i have bought domain name from godaddy can u help us with it . Let us know the customization charges i am very new in programming & stuffs.Thanks
2 Week Ago
No problem Send me the godaddy details on [email protected]. Let me know if you have the hosting account as well if not then we will be needing one.
Prithvi Chavan
11 Week Ago
I need a barcode reader feature if you could include it in the code & also a function to sync data in lan network as well as on our website (like online & offline data ) that would make this product complete & i would buy it after those features are implemented
11 Week Ago
Hii Prithvi, Barcode feature is not a big deal as i don’t have the hardware to test it i couldn’t implement it but if you have you can try it ..there is a angular module for doing just this AngularJs Barcode Listener. To Sync data between your local mysql & online mysql you would be needing some cron script on your pc to sync the db ..You need to look into master(local) & slave(online) kind of relationship to deals with those situation and i think php is not the right tool for it.If you really need those features you would need to hire a developer from they would charge you somewhere around $8-$10 a hour but you can get your work done but before that have a look in codecanyon or some other source code selling website cause developing it would be costlier than a ready made product that would be my advice for you.Have a good day. -- A new update . we have added the barcode feature you can try to see if it works for your barcode
12 Week Ago
Thanks for the regular updates that you keeps posting we are a small school in nigeria & couldn’t afford to hire developer but your website helped us a lot to manage our small library.
Gilbert Hutson
1 Week Ago
Can i use this offline ? as most of our institution has wifi enabled so can we use this on lan is my question ?
1 Week Ago
Yup you could use this offline in localhost and open a port on you pc (80) and set a vhost in apache give it some name that's it. make sure you allow port forwarding if on wifi and allow 80 full access in you firewall
Enrique Collado
11 Week Ago
Hi: I would like to know if your system can use an csv or excel type of data for uploading the books. Thanks
12 Week Ago
Hi, I'm very interested in your software, this can be installed in a shared hosting account (namecheap)? Thanks
Dave Buettler
3 Week Ago
Looks interesting but very new, I hope trustful for a long future... I need it for wordpress. What is the pricing model if I buy it now? One time fee of 25$ and that's it? 25$ / year to receive the updates? I need stability for development and prices. Thank you for your answer... Kind regards from Switzerland
Anjo Tuban
13 Week Ago
Is there a way where student account can request a borrow on their own portal?
10 Week Ago
Hello. I need to put password in my database but when i change it in phpMyAdmin and in aplication folder (env file) application cannot connect to the database. is anything else that i must do? Thank you..
Delson James
8 Week Ago
Hi I have experience error on my WordPress Please Fix it we cannot add images and books
1 Week Ago
I really loved your work, but can i get a free access to your library management system project?
Chandra Sharma
1 Week Ago
I really loved your work .If you can help me in integrating a payumoney gateway for students who have delayed the return of books.That would complete my requirement.Anyway i will try myself if would not be able to do …I would need your help man. Will pay for it